Russian news, notes and thoughts

August, 2012 / RSS notes

29 August, 2012  // Today XIV Summer Paralympic Games start in London. The athletes from Russia will participate in 12 of the 20 types of competitions. National Paralympic team won 183 tickets to London. The athletes represent more than 40 regions of the country. Good luck to all the participants of the Games!

27 August, 2012  // Today is the Day of the Russian cinema. August 27, 1919, Vladimir Lenin signed a decree on the nationalization of cinema industry. The Day was first time celebrated only in 1980, and then it was called the Day of the Soviet cinema. The premiere of the first Russian film took place October 15, 1908.

23 August, 2012  // Yesterday, August 22, 2012, after years of negotiations, Russia officially became the 156th state in the World Trade Organization. Russia had been negotiating all the parameters of the WTO accession during the last 18 years.

21 August, 2012  // The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) announced a new rating of national teams. Russian men's team that won "bronze" in London, moved up five places and is now on the sixth place after the US, Spain, Argentina, Greece and Lithuania. Russian women's team is on the third place after the US and Australia.

17 August, 2012  // Russian Court found the members of punk band "Pussy Riot" Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Mariya Alekhina, and Yekaterina Samutsevich guilty of hooliganism and punished them of two years imprisonment. The growing number of political prisoners is definitely bringing closer the change of Putin's regime.

13 August, 2012  // Despite a slow start the Russian team successfully performed at the Olympic Games in London, taking fourth place in the non-official team scoring (24 gold, 25 silver and 33 bronze medals). Medalists will be rewarded for their achievements: Gold medal - 130,000 USD, Silver - 80,000 USD, Bronze - 55,000 USD. Thanks to all the athletes for their efforts!

9 August, 2012  // The Russian tour of pop singer Madonna who stood up for the punk band Pussy Riot being convicted for their anti-Putin song caused irritation of Russian authorities. And what did the authorities expect? Now they have to pay an increasing price for their short-sightedness.

6 August, 2012  // In the first 9 days of the Olympic Games in London athletes from Russia won a total of 35 medals (4 gold, 16 silver, 15 bronze). The low number of gold medals raises debates in Russia, because before the games, the plan for the Russian team was to take third place after China and the United States.

2 August, 2012  // Russia and neighboring countries (Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan) are celebrating the Day of the Airborne Troops. August 2, 1930 the first airborne exercise was held near Voronezh. Since then, the Airborne Troops became the elite of the army and participated in all armed conflicts in the history of the USSR and Russia.


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Paul Manoli
News reporting
Excellent reporting. Interesting content.

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