Russian news, notes and thoughts

November, 2010 / RSS notes

30 November, 2010  // Bella Akhmadulina, a poet whose startling images and intensely personal style, couched in classical verse forms, established her as one of the Soviet Union's leading literary talents, died on Monday. She was 73.

29 November, 2010  // Russia offered Israel $1 billion for advanced drone (automatic aircraft) technologies, and in addition offered to cancel the deal to supply Iran with S-300 missiles, according to an official cable published via WikiLeaks. Sounds reasonable.

29 November, 2010  // Russia and European Union will discuss concrete steps aimed at scrapping the bilateral visa regime during a summit in Brussels on December 7, the head of EU delegation to Russia said. Will the visa-free travel be real in near future?

28 November, 2010  // Alexei Ulyukayev, the Deputy Chairman of Russian Central Bank said that Canadian dollars have been added to the international currency reserve of the country. Nice addition to US dollar, Euro, British pound, Japanese yen and Swiss franc.

27 November, 2010  // Russian parliament accepted Soviet leader Stalin's responsibility for 1940 Katyn Forest massacre of 22,000 Polish prisoners. Poland welcomes it and believes it is a step toward justice for an atrocity that still poisons two countries' relations. At last.

26 November, 2010  // Russia opens key plant to destroy chemical weapons in Pochep, home to a stockpile of 7,500 tons of nerve agent (19% of the chemical weapons Russia is committed to destroy). By 2012 all Russian chemical weapons will be destroyed.

26 November, 2010  // Russian Soyuz spacecraft manned by Fyodor Yurichikhin and NASA's Douglas Wheelock and Shannon Walker has safely landed on Earth (in Kazakhstan) after undocking from the International Space Station. Safe and sound.

25 November, 2010  // There are about 3.3 million illegal immigrants in Russia today, Federal Migration Service head Konstantin Romodanovsky said. In all, 12.3 million foreign citizens are staying in Russia. You can't have excess cheap workforce, can you?

24 November, 2010  // Russian President Medvedev launched an attack on the party dominating Russian politics for last decade. He blamed it for dominating television air and receiving advantages from federal and local election officials. Really?

24 November, 2010  // According to the preliminary results of population census of 2010 Russia counts currently about 143 million people. The population decreased by two millions from the census of 2002 or about 250,000 a year in average.

23 November, 2010  // Russia's Energia space corporation said it is planning to start working on standardized space modules with nuclear-powered propulsion systems next year. Can Russian space program still be competitive?

22 November, 2010  // NATO and Russia agreed over the weekend to put aside differences and cooperate on a range of issues, notably a U.S. missile shield to protect Europe. Will Russia join NATO someday?

21 November, 2010  // Global wildlife experts and politicians from 13 countries are meeting in Russia to discuss plans to revive the world's tiger population that has shrunk to a dangerously low level. "Tiger summit" it is.

20 November, 2010  // Today is the 100th anniversary of Leo Tolstoy death in a small railway station in southern Russia that was being turned into mythology. It is a chance to re-read his work and also to ask the most searching questions about the world as it is now.

19 November, 2010  // Russia will create a Titanium Valley economic zone around VSMPO-Avisma, the world's biggest titanium producer, to tempt in foreign companies, Prime Minister Putin said. The word "valley" is becoming very popular in Russia today.

18 November, 2010  // Russian national soccer team was beaten 2-0 by Belgium in international friendly. Russia coach pointed out that Belgium soon will be one of Europe best teams. May be but for now Belgium is on 62nd position in world ranking and Russia is 13th so there can be no excuses.

17 November, 2010  // New space race is beginning, but this time between private companies. Businesses in US and Russia are vying to be the first to launch a private space station. One of the industries Russia can still be competitive.

17 November, 2010  // Russia will invest in railway system between Kenya and Uganda to enhance her economic presence in Africa. Russian government also plans to invest in mining and education. Any plans of investing in Russia itself?

16 November, 2010  // Thailand extradited Viktor Bout, an accused arms trafficker, to the US, drawing Russia's anger. It would be better if Russia paid such attention to protect its people living in FSU countries and not possible criminals.

15 November, 2010  // Russia's official unemployment increased by 0.2 percent to 1.526 million people over the week of November 3-10 for the first time in the past eight months, the Ministry of Health and Social Development said. The crisis is not over?

14 November, 2010  // Russia is the champion of world women's volleyball championship! In the final match Brazil team was defeated with the score 3:2. Congratulations!

14 November, 2010  // Russia is aiming to complete negotiations to enter the World Trade Organization and become a member next year, President Medvedev's top aide on the economy said. Hearing such statements for years, may be this time it will become true?

13 November, 2010  // Defending champions Russia powered their way through to the final by beating the US at the world women's volleyball championship. In the final, Russia will play either Beijing Olympic gold medalists Brazil or hosts Japan. Good luck!

12 November, 2010  // Official: Per capita alcohol consumption in Russia is twice the critical limit set by the World Health Organization. The present consumption is currently about 18 liters a year. One more urgent problem of Russian society.

12 November, 2010  // Environmentalists attacked Australia's decision to sell uranium to Russia, voicing concerns over safety standards and a lack of inspections. Russia will enrich uranium for its nuclear reactors. Greens would close all nuclear power plants if they could.

11 November, 2010  // Russia's Marussia Motors has taken a significant shareholding and will become title sponsor of the Virgin Racing Formula One team next season. Russian money are endless.

11 November, 2010  // Russian Health Ministry: Russia is the most smoking nation in the world. Tobacco consumption is among major risk factors for premature mortality in Russia, followed by high blood pressure and high cholesterol in the blood. Sad but true.

10 November, 2010  // President Medvedev said Russia is looking to South Korean companies to help modernize Russian industries. In turn, Korea will receive precious Russian natural gas. Who would doubt.

10 November, 2010  // Temperature in Moscow soared to a record high for November on Wednesday, hitting 13C by midday, the Moscow Weather Office said. Moscow's average historical temperature in November is about -1C. Global Warming result?

9 November, 2010  // China and Russia vowed to further advance military ties amid Russian Defense Minister Serdyukov visit to Beijing. China attaches great importance to its relationship with Russia. The cooperation can never be too excessive, right?

8 November, 2010  // Another Russian reporter suffered from a potentially lethal assault. There is an undeniable pressure on independent media owners and workers within Russia. What is most worrying is that the people who murder, maim and threaten journalists do so with impunity.

7 November, 2010  // According to Bookmaker William Hill report Russia is now beating England to host 2018 World Cup bid. To host 2018 World Cup: 10/11 Russia; Evens England; 8/1 Portugal/Spain; 33/1 Belgium/Holland. Let it be.

7 November, 2010  // Russian Interior Minister Nurgaliyev: "A total of 454 terrorism-related and 510 extremism-related crimes were registered in Russia in the past nine months. We are witnessing very dangerous tendencies which take place in North Caucasus." The region of never ending conflicts.

6 November, 2010  // Russia is a major exporter of oil and gas and its economic growth over past decade has been driven mainly by energy exports. That's how propagandistic definition that Russia is energy superpower appeared contrary to annoying one that Russia is just raw materials exporter.

6 November, 2010  // As US moves clocks back this weekend, Russia went through transition last week. Russian officials are worried about impact of such adjustments and President Medvedev is threatening to end daylight saving in Russia altogether. As if there are no more topical issues.

5 November, 2010  // UN ranked Russia 65th of 169 countries in its report on comprehensive human development based on health, education and income indicators. Russia has "high" level of human development and improved its ranking by 3 positions compared with 2005 list. Still a long way to go.

4 November, 2010  // As Russian newspapers and main TV channels steer clear of mocking top officials, political cartoonists have turned to the Internet to post cartoons satirizing President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Will the last refuge remain intact?

3 November, 2010  // Viktor S. Chernomyrdin, who founded the state-owned gas monopoly Gazprom and served as Russia's prime minister during the economic turmoil of the 1990s, died on Wednesday morning. He was 72. His apt expressions like "We wanted to do it better, but it turned out as usual" will never be forgotten.

3 November, 2010  // Iran's president has accused Russia of giving in to Satan after Moscow banned the delivery of S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to Tehran. Actually don't construct nuclear arms and you will never need S-300.

2 November, 2010  // Few Muslims in Russia have any doubt that they face a rising tide of anti-Islamic extremism, but they and their intellectual leaders disagree as to its source, with some pointing to international trends, others to national ones and still a third to local causes. Islamophobia is spreading the globe.

2 November, 2010  // Microsoft announced establishment of a software development center near Moscow. In Skolkovo innovation hub it will open a technology center to give companies an opportunity to test their solutions on corporate-scale IT infrastructure. Skolkovo project seems becoming more real now.

1 November, 2010  // There was nothing special about Triumfalnaya Square demonstration in Moscow October 31. Previous times riot police dispersed the activists. This time, they have gotten a permit that appears to be a civics experiment for both sides. Step in the right direction?

1 November, 2010  // Russian President flew into south Kuril Islands seized by USSR from Japan at World War II end, making it clear that Russia has no plans to cede the mineral-rich territory despite Japanese protests. Japan is angry but who cares.


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Paul Manoli
News reporting
Excellent reporting. Interesting content.

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