Russian news, notes and thoughts

December, 2011 / RSS notes

28 December, 2011  // December 27, 2011 the strongest ever recorded earthquake of magnitude 9.5 occurred about 100 km east of Kyzyl (Tuva Republic) at a depth of 10 km. The earth tremors were registered in Tuva, Khakassia and Altai Republics, Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories, Irkutsk, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk oblasts. According to preliminary information nobody died. The infrastructure was not damaged too.

26 December, 2011  // In the current agricultural season Russia harvested 97.8 million tons of grain, said Agriculture Minister Elena Skrynnik today. The total yield of sugar beet is 45 million tons, soybeans - 1.450 million tons, sunflower - 8 million tons, corn - 6 million tons.

23 December, 2011  // December 24, Sakharov Avenue in Moscow will be the place of the rally against election fraud in the State Duma. The announced number of participants is 50 thousand people. The meeting will begin at 14:00. Probably it will be the largest mass protest since the early 90s of last century.

21 December, 2011  // The European Court of Human Rights upheld a collective complaint of people suffered from terrorist attack in 2002 in the theater on Dubrovka. The court concluded that the rescue of the victims was inadequate. The court ordered Russia to pay 64 plaintiffs compensations in the amount of 8.8 to 66 thousand Euros.

17 December, 2011  // The oil drilling platform "Kolskaya" capsized on Sunday, about 200 kilometers off the coast of Sakhalin. According to recent data, there were 67 people on board. Currently, 14 people were rescued.

16 December, 2011  // Russia's Federal State Statistics Service published the final results of the All-Russia population census conducted in 2010. Since 2002 the population decreased by 2.3 million and amounted to 142 million 857 thousand people. Russians live in 2,386 cities and towns and 134,000 villages (8,500 less compared to 2002).

12 December, 2011  // Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has lowered the forecast for inflation to 6.2-6.5%. Inflation in December may reach 0.6%. Inflation in Russia in November 2011 was 0.4%, from the beginning of the year - 5.6%. In November 2010 the rate was 0.8% and 7.6% respectively.

9 December, 2011  // Mass protest against fraud elections to State Duma will be held at Bolotnaya Square in Moscow on Saturday, December 10, from 14:00 to 18:00. The rally is allowed by Moscow's authorities. The number of participants of the demonstration is limited to 30 thousand.

8 December, 2011  // Scientists from Russia and Japan are preparing for experiment in which the mammoth can be cloned. The experts claim that cloning can be completed in the next five years. Unfortunately the chance of success is not above 1-5%.

7 December, 2011  // Russia's parliamentary elections were notable for two factors: widespread allegations of electoral violations from both insiders and foreign observers and the fall in popularity of the ruling party United Russia.

4 December, 2011  // The elections to the State Duma (Parliament) are held in Russia today. More than 96 thousand polling stations are opened across the country, where about 108 million Russians will make their choices. But there are some doubts that the elections will be fair.

2 December, 2011  // Russia's national football team has received its rivals in the group stage of the European Championship 2012, which will take place in the fields of Poland and Ukraine next summer. The team of Dick Advocaat will compete with Poland, Greece and Czech Republic in group A.


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Paul Manoli
News reporting
Excellent reporting. Interesting content.

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