Russian news, notes and thoughts

January, 2012 / RSS notes

31 January, 2012  // Russia received three points of five possible on cyber security ranking, compiled by experts of antivirus software company McAfee. Finland, Sweden and Israel are at the top of the rating. Russian Federation is also perceived abroad as a source of threat, primarily because of its highly skilled hackers.

28 January, 2012  // Russia and Japan signed an agreement simplifying the procedure of visa obtaining. According to the agreement there is no need to provide invitational letter for business visa for a period of up to 90 days. The system of multiple-entry visas, valid for three years, was also introduced.

25 January, 2012  // In March 2012, Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, will present his exclusive TV show "The World Tomorrow" on the channel Russia Today. Assange will invite politicians and revolutionaries - all those who, in his opinion, will form the agenda for tomorrow.

20 January, 2012  // According to annual report of human rights organization Freedom House Russia as in previous years is in the list of "not free" countries. The situation with civil liberties is rated slightly better than with political rights - 5 and 6 points respectively on a seven-point scale, where 1 means the best indicator, and 7 - the worst. Such countries as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Egypt, Yemen and Jordan have the same rating.

17 January, 2012  // In 2011, sales of new cars in Russia amounted to about 2.5 millions, 41% increase compared to 2010. Russia ranked second after Germany among European countries. About 70% of sold cars were produced in Russia. The current number of cars in Russia per 1000 inhabitants is 220 (twice less than in European Union).

14 January, 2012  // In 2011, according to the Central Bank, financial assets amounting to 84 billion dollars were withdrawn from Russia, more than twice higher than in 2010 (37.8 billion). The main reasons: the structure of corporate debt of Russian companies, political instability, unfavorable investment climate.

11 January, 2012  // Russia celebrates the Day of Reserves and National Parks. Today there are 102 state nature reserves and 42 national parks of federal importance in the country. Total area of protected areas is more than 40 million hectares, or nearly 3 percent of the entire territory of Russia.

9 January, 2012  // New Year holidays are coming to an end in Russia. The first working week of 2012 begins January 10.

7 January, 2012  // Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas today on January 7. On Saturday night the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill serviced festive Christmas worship at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior attended by thousands of believers.

4 January, 2012  // Russia's team has defeated Canadians in an incredible semifinal match at the World Junior Hockey Championships with a score of 6-5 and now will try to defend the title in the game against the Swedes. Good luck in the final!

1 January, 2012  // Russia is celebrating the New Year 2012. All Russian cities are decorated with additional lighting. A lot of concert places, skating rinks and ice slopes are opened everywhere. Russians will be on holidays for 10 days.


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Paul Manoli
News reporting
Excellent reporting. Interesting content.

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