Russian news, notes and thoughts

June, 2012 / RSS notes

30 June, 2012  // According to OECD report "The 2012 International Migration Outlook" Russia is the world leader in the number of temporary labor migrants. In 2010 about 960,000 people came to the country, two times more than in the U.S. Also, Russia is leading in the number of illegal migrants (about 7% of all working people in Russia). In the U.S. this number is about 3.5%.

24 June, 2012  // 200 years ago the Emperor of France Napoleon I ordered the crossing of the Neman River, which meant the beginning of war with the Russian Empire. In Russia this war became known as the Patriotic War of 1812. By December 1812, Napoleon's army was defeated. The casualties of the French army were about 580,000 soldiers, the Russian army - 210,000 soldiers.

22 June, 2012  // June 22 is the Day of Remembrance and Mourning in Russia. Today, the country looks back at one of the saddest pages in its history - the war that claimed the lives of about 27 million countrymen. 71 years ago, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Memorial events are held in many Russian cities.

18 June, 2012  // This week a group of Russian officers will take pictures and video of several military facilities in the U.S. and Canada. Visual inspection will be carried out with specially-equipped plane Tu-154M LK-1. The aircraft will begin its flight from two military airfields - Wright-Patterson in the U.S. and Trenton in Canada. The range of the flight in the U.S. will be 4900 kilometers, in Canada - 5400 km.

13 June, 2012  // Russia is on the 153rd place out of 158 in the Global Peace Index. It is considered aggressive because of the large military budget, a large number of prisoners, and the ongoing clashes in the North Caucasus. Russia's neighbors in the ranking are Pakistan (149), Israel (150), North Korea (152), Iraq (155), and Afghanistan (157).

9 June, 2012  // On Friday, the first matches of Euro 2012 were played in group A. The leadership was taken by the Russian national team that in a brilliant style defeated Czech Republic team 4-1 in Wroclaw. Congratulations and good luck in the next match against Poland!

4 June, 2012  // The value of brand "Russia" increased by 11.7% ($79 billion). According to the British researchers from "Brand Finance" it is on the 12th place in the world rating. In 2012 its total value reached $752 billion. The leaders in the rating are the U.S. ($11.370 trillion), Germany ($3.146 trillion), and China ($3.001 trillion).

1 June, 2012  // In 2011, Russia ranked fourth in the world in the number of dollar millionaires and billionaires, according to the research of Boston Consulting Group. The number of households with annual income more than $100 million increased by 13%. The total welfare of the Russians increased by 21.4% - to $1.3 trillion, of which over $500 billion belong to the rich.


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Paul Manoli
News reporting
Excellent reporting. Interesting content.

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