Russian news, notes and thoughts

March, 2012 / RSS notes

31 March, 2012  // Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the procedure for entry and departure from Russia of foreign citizens during the 27th World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan. From June 25 to July 25, 2013 the participants will be able to enter and leave Russia without visa. They need only identification documents, and accreditation certificate of the executive management of the Universiade.

27 March, 2012  // According to The World Bank report, the benefits to Russia joining the WTO in the medium term will be about 3.3% of GDP per year (or about 49 billion dollars in the calculation of GDP in 2010). In the long term the benefits will probably increase to 11% of GDP (about 162 billion dollars) annually. The average Russian household income will increase by 7% per year.

24 March, 2012  // Russia confirms its intention to develop nuclear energy as one of the strategic directions of development of the country. Despite the accident at nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1", there are no alternatives to nuclear energy in the foreseeable future. This position is outlined in the Memorandum of the Russian Federation at the Summit on Nuclear Security in 2012.

22 March, 2012  // As of March 1, 2012 Russia's specialized enterprises destroyed 60.4% of its stockpiles of chemical weapons. A total of 24,157 tons of toxic substances was disposed. By 2015 the country will destroy 100% of its stockpiles of chemical weapons.

19 March, 2012  // Submariner Day is celebrated in Russia today. 106 years ago, March 19, 1906, submarines were declared a separate class of warships. The holiday is celebrated in the country since 1996. The first Russian submarine "Dolphin" was built at the Baltic Shipyard in 1904. Today the submarines are the core of Russia's naval strategic nuclear forces.

17 March, 2012  // Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia contributed $ 2 million for the restoration of Orthodox shrines destroyed eight years ago by "Albanian extremists" in Kosovo. It is about restoration work at four sites of Orthodox architecture included in the World Heritage List: the Patriarchal Monastery of Pec, Decani and Gracanica monasteries, and church of the Virgin Levishkoy.

12 March, 2012  // According to the IDC Quarterly PC Tracker, in 2011, Russia received about 12.9 million desktop and notebook PCs, more than the market of any country in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, 13.4% more than in 2010. Desktop PC segment grew by 2.2% to 4.46 million units. Notebook segment grew by 20.4% to 8.44 million units.

8 March, 2012  // In 2011, Russia carried out 35 launches of carrier rockets and delivered 60 satellites into the orbit. The country occupies an important place among the leading space-faring nations of the world. In 2011, Russia accounted for more than 40% of the total number of carrier rockets launches.

6 March, 2012  // Russia's Fitch credit rating may be lowered if the government headed by Vladimir Putin will not take measures for fiscal consolidation to significantly reduce the deficit. High rates of expenditures growth have already led to an increase in the budget deficit to 10% of Russian GDP. The current price of oil to balance the budget is about 117 dollars per barrel.

1 March, 2012  // The volume of international reserves of Russia as of February 24, 2012 amounted to 509.6 billion U.S. dollars against 504.4 billion dollars on February 17. The reserves of the Bank of Russia increased on $ 5.2 billion, or 1.0%.


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Paul Manoli
News reporting
Excellent reporting. Interesting content.

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