Violation of traffic rules by drivers in Russia
No comments · Posted by Alex Smirnov in Society
According to the statistics of Russia’s traffic police, 99868 road accidents with victims happened in Russia in 2011. In comparison with 2010 the number of accidents increased by 0.2%.
The number of victims that died in car crashes in 2011 was 27953 people – 1386 people more than a year earlier (5.2%). 251848 people were injured in crashes – the number increased by 1213 (0.5%).
The most frequent cause of accidents on the roads is a violation of traffic rules by drivers. The total number of recorded traffic violations in 2011 increased by 4% and amounted to 57.2 million cases.
In 2011, in Moscow, 11827 road accidents were registered, 701 people died.
Tags: Moscow city
First demonstration flights of new Russian combat helicopters
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Army, Photos, Technology
April 20, the air base “Chernigovka” located in Primorye was the place of the first demonstration flights of combat helicopters Ka-52 “Alligator” and Mi-8AMTSh.
The audience could see well-coordinated training flights, preflight briefings, organization of the control tower, and preflight preparations of the helicopters. Photos by Smit_Smitty.
Tags: Primorye krai
Russia is gradually becoming more and more popular tourist destination, especially with the coming Winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi and the World Cup 2018.
But it should be mentioned that a lot of tourist visiting the country are attracted by beautiful girls living here. This video “Russian beauty” is a perfect example of how beautiful Russian women are.
Tags: No tags
The maximum depth of this abandoned mine shaft located somewhere in Russia reaches 880 meters. The mine is not functioning for several years and is suspended.
All the entrances and ventilation trunks are either concreted or sealed with steel “stoppers.” However, there are people for whom this is not an obstacle. Photos by Vadim Mahorov.
Tags: Abandoned
The remains of beautiful Sorokin’s dacha
7 Comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Architecture, Photos, Regions
On the bank of the Volga River near the town of Tutaev (Yaroslavl oblast) you can see the remains of a very beautiful building, known as Sorokin’s dacha.
It is believed that the house in the Moorish style was bought by Yaroslavl merchant Sergei Nikolayevich Sorokin at the fair in Nizhny Novgorod. The house was built in 1868. Also there was a park with a pond, fountains and pavilions around the dacha. Photos by vj_jjic
Tags: Abandoned · Yaroslavl oblast
Beautiful mosaic of main mosque of St. Petersburg
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Architecture, Photos, Religion
This mosque was officially opened in Saint Petersburg on February 22, 1913, on the second day of celebrations to mark the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanovs. The building of the mosque was constructed in 1909-1920.
The design of the mosque was based on Gur-Emir Mausoleum located in Samarkand. From 1927 to 1930 and from 1940 to 1956, the mosque was closed. In 1956 the mosque was returned to the Muslims. Photos by Yura Osinin.
Tags: Saint Petersburg city
Military exercises of the Marine Corps of Pacific Fleet
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Army, Photos
The next stage of combat training of units of the Marine Corps of Russian Pacific Fleet began in the new academic year. After winter combat training large-scale tactical exercises with firing began at the landing firing ground “Klerk” located near Vladivostok, the capital city of Primorye krai.
The exercises involved 122-mm self-propelled artillery “Gvozdika”, 82-mm battalion mortars, antitank guided missile systems “Fagot” and infantry flame throwers “Shmel”.
Tags: Primorye krai · Vladivostok city
The largest theater building in Russia
3 Comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Architecture, Culture, Photos
Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater is the largest theater of Novosibirsk and Siberia. The theater building, located on the main square of Novosibirsk is Russia’s largest theater building.
Because of its large size the theater is called “Siberian Coliseum”. The theater building is the pride and symbol of Novosibirsk. Today about 900 people are working there. Photos by Stepanov Slava.
Tags: Novosibirsk city · Siberia
Extreme driving on Russian North
1 Comment · Posted by Alex Smirnov in People, Regions, Video
Russia is rich in deposits of various natural resources, but for the most part, they are located in wild and undeveloped areas of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East.
Driving a car or even a truck in these areas is very dangerous because of the lack of normal roads; drivers have to cross numerous rivers, etc. A lot of people died on these roads, the number of lost vehicles can’t be counted.
Tags: Siberia
The day and night views of Saint Petersburg
2 Comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Architecture, Cities, Photos, Travel
Picturesque view of Saint Petersburg is determined by architecture: straight streets, large squares, gardens and parks, rivers and numerous canals, embankments, bridges, monuments and decorative statues.
Among the other interesting places of Saint Petersburg are the fountains. Saint Petersburg is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Gulf Stream causes humid sea climate in Saint-Petersburg. Most days in the year are cloudy and gloomy. Photos by Sergei Nagorny.
Tags: Saint Petersburg city