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VM-T “Atlant” is a Soviet heavy transport aircraft, which is a modification of the strategic bomber 3M. This aircraft was used to transport various parts of space-rocket complexes to the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

In the 1980s, more than 150 flights were made to deliver to the Baikonur the elements of launch systems “Energy” and “Buran”. Because of the specific appearance the aircraft was called the “flying barrel”.

Soviet heavy aircraft VM-T Atlant photo 1

more photos of unusual aircraft




The Largest Power Plant in Russia

Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant named after P.S. Neporozhny is the largest by installed capacity (6400 MW) power plant in Russia, the 7th largest hydroelectric power plant in the world.

The station is located on the Yenisei River, on the border between Khakassia Republic and Krasnoyarsk Krai, near the village of Cheryomushki, close to Sayanogorsk. Photos by Vadim Makhorov

Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydropower Plant, Russia photo 1

more photos of the station


Unmanned Russian rocket “Proton-M” with three navigation satellites “Glonass-M” again didn’t reach Earth orbit. The flight lasted only a few seconds, then the rocket exploded and crashed to the ground one kilometer from the launch site at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

Another failure of the Federal Space Agency of Russia is estimated at $ 200 million. The launch of the rocket “Proton-M” at Baikonur was broadcast live on the TV channel “Russia 24”.

Proton-M rocket, Baikonur

Let’s see how it all happened

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“Norilsk Nickel” is the largest in Russia and one of the largest companies in the world for the production of precious and base metals.

Polar division of the enterprise is located in the Norilsk industrial district on the Taimyr Peninsula in the Krasnoyarsk region, which lies entirely within the Arctic Circle.

"Norilsk Nickel" - mining and smelting company, Russia photo 1



Surgut GRES-2 is the largest thermoelectric power plant in Russia. The station is located in the city of Surgut (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District). As of 2012, it is one of the largest thermoelectric power plants in the world in the annual generation and the largest producer of electricity in Russia.

The installed electric capacity is 5,597.1 MW, installed thermal capacity – 840 Gcal/h. The station is working on associated petroleum gas (70%) and natural gas (30%). The height of the pipes is 273 meters. Photos by Vadim Makhorov

Surgut thermoelectric power station, Russia photo 1


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Currently this place is known as the All-Russian Exhibition Centre – exhibition complex in the northeast region of Moscow, the second largest exhibition center in Moscow. In Soviet times, this complex was known as the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy of the USSR.

Since 1967, the latest models of Soviet space technology were exhibited in a special pavilion “Space”. It was the pride of Soviet science and technology. These pictures were taken by Rob Ketcherside in 1969 at the peak of interest in space travel. The photos were originally published in sovietdetstvo

Pavilion Space - Exhibition of Soviet Achievements, Moscow, Russia photo 1


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The Soviet Union was spending most of its budget on various military purposes, sometimes creating projects with incredible technical characteristics.

In 1987, ekranoplan (ground effect aircraft) “Lun” was constructed – the first aircraft of the series of military missile-carrying ekranoplans weighing 400 tons.

It was armed with three pairs of cruise missiles. Volley of four such missiles is enough to destroy any ship, including the aircraft carrier.

Soviet missile ekranoplan Lun aircraft, Russia photo 1





Abandoned ship made of concrete

It seems you can find everything in Russia. For example, this unusual ship made of concrete found its last haven in the lower reaches of the Volga (Astrakhan region), a few kilometers from the Caspian Sea.

The hull of the ship is made of reinforced concrete. Those parts of the hull where concrete couldn’t be used were made of iron. This ship is not unique. In a number of countries different concrete ships were designed and built during periods of acute shortage of metal. Photos by zhgalin_photo

Abandoned concrete ship, Astrakhan region, Russia photo 1





Steel Works Museum in Nizhny Tagil

The history of Nizhny Tagil dates back to 1722 when the ironworks was built by Demidov dynasty. At the time Nizhny Tagil plant was one of the biggest, not only in Russia but also in Europe.

The plant was expanding for three centuries. In 1987, after working for more than 260 years, old blast furnace shop was shut down and Russia’s only plant museum was created. Photos by Vitkaravan

Steel works museum, Nizhny Tagil, Russia photo 1


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Pauzhetsky geothermal power station is located on Pauzhetsky geothermal field in the southwestern part of the Kamchatka peninsula in Pauzhetka village near Koshelev and Kambalny volcanoes. It is the oldest geothermal power station in Russia.

The station was opened in 1966 as an experimental power plant and it was the first geothermal power station in the USSR. In 2010 the installed capacity of the station was 12.0 MW. Photos by 4044415

The first geothermal power plant in the USSR, Kamchatka, Russia photo 1

