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Architectural and Ethnographic Museum “Semyonkovo”
1 Comment · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Culture, Photos, Regions
Architectural and Ethnographic Museum of the Vologda region “Semyonkovo” invites you into the world of the Russian village of the late 19th – the early 20th centuries. Here you can learn more about the traditions, cultural background, and mentality of the Russian people.
The museum was opened in 1979. It is a monument of national value. The museum covers an area of 12.7 hectares and has a lot of monuments of wooden architecture of the middle 19th – the early 20th centuries. Photos by Denis Spirin
Tags: museum · Vologda oblast
The second largest aluminum plant in the world
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Business, Economics, Photos
Aluminum appeared in our lives only about century and a half ago, but in that short time it managed to go from being a decorative metal to the material, which allows us to move faster, to live in warmth and comfort, and enjoy all the benefits of modern civilization.
At the moment, the leader of the global aluminum industry is the Russian company RUSAL which accounts for about 12.5% of global production of aluminum that ensures the production facilities to produce 3.9 million tons of aluminum per year. Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant is owned by RUSAL. Photos by dedmaxopka
Tags: Krasnoyarsk city
February 15, it was a frosty morning in Chelyabinsk (about -17 degrees Celsius), windless and cloudless. The previous day was very warm (the temperature was near zero), and so the next morning all the trees were covered with frost.
Photographer Marat Ahmetvaleev (marateaman) decided to take some landscape pictures on his favorite point near his home. Around 9:00 am he was at the place and made the first shots.
Tags: Chelyabinsk city
Moscow destroyed by the Bolsheviks in the autumn 1917
2 Comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in History, Photos
Armed coup, organized by the Bolsheviks in the autumn 1917, that marked the beginning of Soviet power is most commonly associated with St. Petersburg (then called Petrograd).
However, not everyone knows that Moscow was the place of long and heavy fighting in those days. The Bolsheviks fired at the Kremlin and many central buildings, real battles were fought in the streets, hundreds of people were killed.
Tags: Moscow city
The life of a typical seismic prospecting crew
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, People, Photos
Russia is a country with large reserves of various natural resources. The deposits of these resources are located mainly in underdeveloped regions of the country stretching from Siberia to the Far East.
Search for natural resources (mainly oil and natural gas) is made by special seismic prospecting crews. In these photos, taken in several regions of Russia, you can see scenes of life of these people and working conditions. Photos by donskoylis from
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Variety of colors in the Valley of Geysers
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Photos, Travel
The Valley of Geysers is one of the largest geyser field in the world and the only in Eurasia. The valley is located in Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve in Kamchatka.
The territory of the geyser field is about 2 square km. There are around 20 large geysers and a lot of small ones that periodically emit fountains of almost boiling water (95° C) or hot steam.
Tags: Kamchatka krai
The pioneer camps of the USSR of the late 60’s – early 70’s
1 Comment · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in History, People, Photos
The pioneer camps in the USSR were educational and health institutions for pioneers of the Soviet Union Pioneer Organization named after Lenin and schoolchildren (7 to 15 years) organized usually during the school holidays by trade unions, the Communist Youth League, economic organizations, collective farms, and so on.
About 40,000 suburban pioneer camps for 10 million children were open in the USSR. The following unique photos were collected in pioneer camps that had been abandoned after the collapse of the USSR by Denis Spirin
Tags: Soviet past
This winter in Russia is cold. Temperature fell below minus 20 degrees Celsius in many regions of the country, including the capital city. Let’s take a look at Moscow in these cold days. Photos by zubr14
Tags: Moscow city
Athletic parade in Stalingrad in May 1945
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in History, Photos
In the archives of Russia there are a lot of unique photographs. There are high-quality color photographs of the USSR before and during the Second World War.
For example, here are the photos of athletic parade in Stalingrad in May 1945 (author – Mark Redkin). The Battle of Stalingrad is considered the largest land battle of the Second World War and the key battle on the Eastern Front.
Tags: Volgograd city
Abandoned textile factory that burned down
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Photos
One, two, Freddy’s coming for you.
Three, four, better lock your door.
Five, six, grab your crucifix.
Seven, eight, gonna stay up late.
Nine, ten, never sleep again.
Freddy Krueger would definitely love this place! Photos by Lana Sator
Tags: Abandoned