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True Russia animated cartoon video

Russia is “known” as country of bears, vodka etc. And the following cartoon proves it! Just look at this story by Russian animation studio “Spirtovka” named “True Russia: Stolen Vodka”.




Seven wonders of Russia

According to All-Russian contest the following artificial and natural objects were voted to be Seven Wonders of Russia. The photos are clickable.

Baikal lake located at Irkutsk oblast and Buryat republic of Russia

Seven wonders of Russia - Baikal lake


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Soviet World War II propaganda part 2

The posters of Soviet agitation during World War II (part 1)

“The shovel is soldier’s friend ”

Soviet World War 2 poster


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Here is the record of hidden camera placed near two railway lines (the line of general use (free access) and local trains line (paid)) of Yaroslavsky railway station of Moscow city. Try to count how many people that prefer to take a free ride but not to pay for the ticket were captured by the camera for only 10 minutes!




Russian naval graveyard photos

The sceneries like the following are common for numerous bays of Russian North. After the collapse of Soviet Union military based economy a lot of ships were just left in such places and abandoned.

Russian naval graveyard


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Russia celebrates the Day of Nation Unity

The 4th of November is the Day of Nation Unity in Russia. According to the official history it is the day of Moscow city liberation from Polish troops happened in the year of 1612 and meaning the end of Russian “Time of Troubles”. The holiday was first time celebrated in 2005 and for the majority of Russian people it is just another day off (more about Russian holidays).


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Going Fishing in the Tuva Republic

Here are several posters of Soviet World War II agitation.

“Mercilessly annihilate fascist saboteurs”

Soviet World War II poster


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Soviet posters of 1970th

Here are several Soviet posters of 1970th. The unusual, interesting and sometimes strange design of Soviet artists.

“To strengthen the friendship of Socialist countries youth!”

Soviet posters of 1970th


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Russian railways stowaways photos

Some people in Russia (generally young) prefer to travel without buying a ticket on local railway runs. The photos are clickable.

Russian railway stowaways


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