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Rostov oblast page was updated

The information about Rostov oblast history, resources, climate, attractions was added.

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Another beautiful monastery located in Suzdal city of Vladimir oblast, Russia, the photos were captured by Padunskiy (the photos are clickable).


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Pskov oblast page was updated

We have added the information about Pskov oblast history, resources, attractions.

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The 15th International competition of the magazine The World of Art and The Gallery of Young People’s Art Works of the authors up to the age of 20 on the subject of “Ethnological dresses and folklore dances of my people?” is finished.

More than 10.000 art works from 46 countries arrived for the competition, which were reviewed by an expert jury. Here are the works of the winners from Russia.

Savitskaya Alain, age 13

Savitskaya Alain, age 13, Russia


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Primorye krai page was updated

We have added the info about Primorye krai climate, natural resources, history.

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Here are the amazing photos captured by Vitaliy Raskalov from the highest radio tower (about 270 meters) located in Moskovskaya oblast of Russia (the photos are clickable).

Moscow oblast, Russia 270 meters tower view


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Perm krai page was updated

We have added the information about Perm krai history, climate, natural resources, economics.

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The following photos of Vladimir oblast were captured by Ilya Varlamov with the help of little unmanned helicopter (the photos are clickable).

Vladimir oblast, Russia bird's eye view


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Penza oblast page was updated

The information about Penza oblast economics and places of interest was added.

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