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Ethnological dresses of my people contest winners from Russia

The 15th International competition of the magazine The World of Art and The Gallery of Young People’s Art Works of the authors up to the age of 20 on the subject of “Ethnological dresses and folklore dances of my people?” is finished.

More than 10.000 art works from 46 countries arrived for the competition, which were reviewed by an expert jury. Here are the works of the winners from Russia.

Savitskaya Alain, age 13

Savitskaya Alain, age 13, Russia

Tarina Kokova, age 9

Tarina Kokova, age 9

Polina Bushmakova, age 7

Polina Bushmakova, age 7 Art studio Dreamer, Kirov, Russia

Natasha Borisova, age 8

Natasha Borisova, age 8 Mou npsoch no2 Yakutsk, Russia

Mojarov Andrei, age 12

Mojarov Andrei, age 12 Mou npsoch no2, Yakutsk, Russia

Masha Bulanova, age 11

Masha Bulanova, age 11 Children art school, Vladimir, Russia

Ljuba Kulakova, age 16

Ljuba Kulakova, age 16 Children art studio Rostok Ob Russia

Lena Sharko, age 8

Lena Sharko, age 8 Children art studio Rostok Ob Russia

Katja Borovikova, age 10

Katja Borovikova, age 10 Children art studio Rostok Ob Russia

Julia Hantel, age 15

Julia Hantel, age 15 Children art studio Rostok Ob Russia

Anya Boltova, age 17

Anya Boltova, age 17 Detskaya shkola iskusstv Karasuk Russia

Anna Sinitsyna, age 14

Anna Sinitsyna, age 14 School of arts no.1 Kushva Russia

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1 comment

  • Dirk - Thomas de Boer · August 10, 2010 at 10:03 pm

    U heeft vele,talentvolle jeugdige kunstenaars. Ze bezitten een bijzondere gave van het op papier brengen, wat ze zien. Tot in het detail. Mijn complimenten aan hen allemaal van uit Nederland.

    Sorry my words in english is littel.


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