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The Russian Imperial Army, Part 2
1 Comment · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in History, People, Photos
The second part of unique high quality historic photos showing various troops of the land army of the Russian Empire.
The first part of the Russian Imperial Army photos
Tags: Russian Empire
The Russian Imperial Army, Part 1
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in History, People, Photos
The Russian Imperial Army was the land army of the Russian Empire. Since the second half of the 19th century, the army was formed on the basis of conscription.
The entire male population was subject to compulsory military service from the age of 21. The term of active service in the land army was 6 years, in the Navy – 7 years.
Tags: Russian Empire
Rare Pictures of Family Life of the Last Russian Emperor
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in History, People, Photos
It is known that Nicholas II was a great family man, a caring husband and father. He didn’t like social events and was spending most of the time with his wife and children.
The whole family enjoyed photography: Nicholas II himself and all his children took a lot of pictures. We present you a collection of photographs from the family archives of the family of the last Russian emperor.
Greek Prince Nicholas and Russian Emperor Nicholas II (on the top) are fooling around
Tags: Russian Empire
Festive and everyday clothes in the Russian Empire
2 Comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in History, People, Photos
The population of the Russian Empire for a period of two centuries of its existence was multinational. In 1917, the country had more than 100 nations, not counting the small ethnic groups.
The Slavic peoples (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Bulgarians and others) accounted for about 75% of the population. In 1913, the total population of the country was about 174 million people; 24.5 million lived in the cities.
Tags: Russian Empire
The Red Army in 1936 – Part 2
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Army, History, People
Here is the second part of photos on the state of the Read Army just before the Second World War, in 1936. We can see the Red Army soldiers at study, rest and in combat. Pictures by humus
Tags: propaganda · Soviet past
The Red Army in 1936 – Part 1
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Army, History, People
May 9 in Russia and some countries of the former Soviet Union is celebrated as the Day of Victory over Nazi Germany in the Second World War.
Paying tribute to those who died in the war, we want to share with you a number of unique photos from an album on the state of the Red Army just before the war, in 1936. Pictures by humus
Soviet young people go with joy to their Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army
Tags: propaganda · Soviet past
Unique photos of the first Soviet cosmonauts on a picnic
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in History, People, Photos
August 19, 1963 – the first cosmonauts of the world: Yuri Gagarin, Alexei Leonov, Boris Volynov, Victor Gorbatko.
Tags: Soviet past
Women’s fashion in the USSR in 1957
1 Comment · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Art, History, People
Immediately after the October Revolution, the Soviet government took control of the fashion. In general, the changes occurred mostly in women’s fashion. Clothing was unpretentious, simpler than in the days of the Russian Empire. The woman was to look like as a citizen (“tovarisch”), who can “build” socialism.
However, during the Khrushchev thaw (late 1950s – 1960s), due to more openness in Soviet society, the western style in fashion began to spread. This catalog, published by Leningrad fashion house (Saint Petersburg today) in 1957, gives an idea of this time. Pictures by visualhistory
Tags: Saint Petersburg city · Soviet past
The life of a typical seismic prospecting crew
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, People, Photos
Russia is a country with large reserves of various natural resources. The deposits of these resources are located mainly in underdeveloped regions of the country stretching from Siberia to the Far East.
Search for natural resources (mainly oil and natural gas) is made by special seismic prospecting crews. In these photos, taken in several regions of Russia, you can see scenes of life of these people and working conditions. Photos by donskoylis from
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The pioneer camps of the USSR of the late 60’s – early 70’s
1 Comment · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in History, People, Photos
The pioneer camps in the USSR were educational and health institutions for pioneers of the Soviet Union Pioneer Organization named after Lenin and schoolchildren (7 to 15 years) organized usually during the school holidays by trade unions, the Communist Youth League, economic organizations, collective farms, and so on.
About 40,000 suburban pioneer camps for 10 million children were open in the USSR. The following unique photos were collected in pioneer camps that had been abandoned after the collapse of the USSR by Denis Spirin
Tags: Soviet past