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Mozhaisk is a city located in Moskovskaya oblast, about 110 km to the west of Moscow city.

The following cathedral was built in 1779-1820 on the territory of Mozhaisk city kremlin. The kremlin itself was lost. The cathedral is one of the main attractions of present day Mozhaisk. The photos were captured by vezde-ezdim.

Mozhaisk city, Russia Nikolsky cathedral view


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Zabaikalsky krai page was updated

We have added the information about Zabaikalsky krai history, resources, attractions.

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Yaroslavl oblast page was updated

We have added the information about Yaroslavl oblast climate, economics, history, places of interest.

Yaroslavl oblast, Russia church view

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In the year of 1837 Russian entrepreneur A.N.Demidov sponsored the Russian trip of an artist from France A.Durand. Here is the fourth and the final part of the pictures made by the artist during his travel (all the pictures are clickable). FirstSecond, Third parts of the pictures.

Russia, the year of 1837 view





Voronezh oblast page was updated

The information about Voronezh oblast history, climate, transportation system, attractions was added.

Voronezh oblast, Russia church view

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Russian pagan metal group Arkona

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Vologda oblast page was updated

We have added the information about Vologda oblast history, climate, economics, places of interest.

Vologda oblast, Russia monastery view

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Kubinka armored forces museum photos

The museum of armored forces in Kubinka (Moskovskaya oblast, about 63 km to the west of Moscow city) is one of the largest in Russia and has the unique collection of war machines. The photos were captured by k_kronos.

Kubinka tank museum, Russia view


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Volgograd oblast page was updated

The information about Volgograd oblast history, economics was added.

Volgograd oblast, Russia scenery

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Abandoned Russian airbase photos

There are a lot of abandoned military objects on the territory of Russia and other Former Soviet Union countries, but most of them are looted by local people. And here are the sceneries of the former airbase that remained almost intact. The photos were captured by netwind.

Abandoned Russian airbase view

