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The following mansion was constructed in Samara city on the bank of Volga river in 1908-1909 by the local merchant K.P.Golovkin.  The whole idea of the project and all the details belong to the merchant himself. Today the place is also known as “The mansion with elephants”. The photos were captured by golema.

Samara city, Russia mansion with elephants



Tutaev is a small town with the population of about 40,000 located in Yaroslavl oblast of Russia. The settlement was first time mentioned in the year of 1370. Today the town is the part of famous Golden Ring of Russia and is known as the “Volga River gem”. The photos were captured by Maxim Yashin.

Tutaev town, Russia view


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The following cathedral is considered one of the most beautiful cathedrals of Ryazan oblast. Unfortunately it is abandoned and needs a restoration. The photos were captured by Denis Frantsouzov.

Ryazan oblast, Russia beautiful cathedral view


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Suzdal city, located in Vladimir oblast of Russia, is one of the most interesting places to visit because of numerous architectural monuments of Russian past. The following photos were captured at Suzdal city market square by Padunskiy (all the photos are clickable).


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The photos of this beautiful palace were captured in Ramon’ town located near Voronezh city by Denis Frantsouzov.



The following photos were captured in the museum of peasants’ life and wooden architecture located in Suzdal city, Vladimir oblast, Russia. The pictures were taken by Padunskiy (all the photos are clickable).


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The estate is located in Kaluga oblast, about 137 km from Moscow city, 16 km from Maloyaroslavets and 44 km from Kaluga. The house from the following photos was constructed in 1904 for Petersburg surgeon S.P.Fyodorov.

Today the territory of the former estate is occupied by sanatorium “Vorobyovo”. In October 2006 the museum of Fyodorov S.P. was opened in the main house of the estate. The photos of the house were captured by uchitelj (the photos are clickable).


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Another beautiful monastery located in Suzdal city of Vladimir oblast, Russia, the photos were captured by Padunskiy (the photos are clickable).


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The following photos of Vladimir oblast were captured by Ilya Varlamov with the help of little unmanned helicopter (the photos are clickable).

Vladimir oblast, Russia bird's eye view


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Aleksandrovsky monastery of Suzdal city (Vladimirskaya oblast) was founded in 1240 but the buildings we can see today were constructed in 1695 (photos by Padunskiy).

Suzdal city Russia Aleksandrovsky monastery


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