CAT | Architecture
The original newly built church of classical Russian style
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Architecture, Photos, Regions
Russia is becoming known not only for its glorious past remains like churches and fortresses but for newly built masterpieces like the following one – the church constructed in 2000-2001 in Nadovrazhino village, Istrinsky district of Moskovskaya oblast.
It was built on the place where the church of the 18th century had been standing before being destroyed in the 1930th (the photos were captured by av_otus)
Tags: churches · Moskovskaya oblast
The church of Kazan icon of Virgin Mary in Podmoskovye
1 Comment · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Architecture, Culture, Photos, Regions
The following photos of the church with the foundations laid in 1780 were captured by Vitaliy Raskalov near the village Yaropolets, Volokolamsky district, Moskovskaya oblast (all the photos are clickable).
Tags: churches · Moskovskaya oblast
The churches of Tula oblast photos
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Architecture, Photos, Regions
A lot of villages of Russia have the remains of beautiful churches abandoned during the Soviet times like the following ones captured by Viktor Borisov in Tula oblast (the photos are clickable).
Tags: churches · Tula oblast