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The views of Pyatigorsk and the mountains around it

Pyatigorsk (“the city of five mountains”) is the oldest balneological and mud resort of Russia and the largest cultural and tourist center of eco-resort region Caucasian Mineral Waters.

On January 19, 2010 Pyatigorsk received the status of the center of North Caucasus Federal District. It is the only center of the federal district not being the capital of the subject of the federation. Photos by timag82. Click the photos for high resolution versions.

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 1

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 2

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 3

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 4

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 5

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 6

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 7

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 8

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 9

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 10

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 11

Pyatigorsk city, Russia view 12

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  • marie · April 24, 2012 at 7:23 pm

    Beautiful scenary …


  • Julia · April 5, 2013 at 7:55 am

    Spectacularly beautiful area! In my home state of Washington in the northwestern corner of the United States we’re pretty proud of our mountain panoramas (Olympic and Cascade ranges), but these photos show a most awesome skyline; the sunset views, and those of the clouds hiding all but the peaks were wonderful. Glad I happened onto this page – I am so impressed by the area’s magnificence. Lucky people who live there!


  • Douglas · May 27, 2017 at 4:14 am

    My wife was from this city, she died May the 19th, 2016. Someday I hope to see Pyatigorsk.


    • Laura · November 19, 2024 at 8:29 am

      I hope you were able to go to Pyatigorsk before the war began with Ukraine. In 2000 my husband and I went to Pyatigorsk from the US on a mission trip for the Methodist church. We worked at a boarding school in Pyatigorsk. We met the most wonderful people in the community. We helped with repairs at the school. The Russian people we worked with made do with what they had and we were amazed at their ingenuity. They didn’t have ladders that would reach the high ceiling in a dining room, so they stacked different sized tables, one on top of another , and used a chair to climb to each level. Amazing! They all got the job done with no injuries!
      Your wife was from a beautiful community! God bless.


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