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The following pictures were captured at Nizhny Novgorod museum of city electric transport located on Ivliyeva Str., 1, Tram depot #1, contact phone: +7 831 468 98 88.

The museum has the trams and trolleybuses of the city’s past. The photos were captured by antares_610 (the photos are clickable).

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia electric transport museum


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Russian futuristic peat harvesters

The future is here :)

Russian futuristic peat harvesters


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The following museum of machinery is the property of well known and largest in Russia and Eastern Europe auto factory “AvtoVAZ” (Tolyatti city, Samara oblast) and is located just near the plant.

There are more than 460 various machines on the territory of about 32 hectares. The photos were captured by Viktor Borisov (all the pictures are clickable).

AvtoVAZ Russia machinery museum view


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While being in Singapore the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev had a video conference with the situational center of Russian Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters  about the explosion of ammunition depot in Ulianovsk city. The President was using the new system of visual communication.

Russian president notebook photo


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