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Russian Civilian and Military Clothing in the 14th-18th Centuries

Alexander Vasilyevich Viskovatov was a Russian military historian who lived in the first half of the 19th century.

He was the author of a unique multi-volume book “Historical Description of Clothing and Armament of Russian Troops” with detailed descriptions of military and civilian clothing in Russia from 862 AD to the reign of Emperor Nicholas I.


Medieval Russian clothing, photo 1

This book was published in St. Petersburg in 1841-1862. To this day, it is one of the most popular sources of information about the history of military costume in Russia. Let’s look at some examples of Russian civilian and military clothing from the 14th to 18th centuries. Source: humus.

Azyam, sermyaga and cap.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 2

Kaftan and cap. The town of Torzhok at the beginning of the 17th century.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 3

Ferez’ and cap.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 4

Ohoben’ and cap.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 5

Odnoryadka tafiya and cap. Near the town of Tver in the 17th century.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 6

Russian fur coat and cap.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 7

Tursky coats and gorlatnaya caps. The town of Saratov at the beginning of the 17th century.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 8

Polish coat and gorlatnaya cap. The town of Pskov in the 17th century.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 9

Terlik and murmolka cap. The town of Astrakhan at the beginning of the 17th century.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 10

Tursky kaftan and murmolka cap. Kolomna Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 11

Zipun, tafya, and cap.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 12

Platno and gorlatnaya cap. Moscow Kremlin and Armory.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 13

Warriors in tegilyay and iron caps.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 14

Warrior in bakhterets and shishak with yelovets. The town of Novgorod in the 16th century.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 15

Warrior in bakhterets and helm.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 16

Warrior in kolontar’ with barmitsa and paper cap.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 17

Warriors in yushman and shishak.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 18

Warrior in yushman and misyurk.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 19

Warrior in kuyak and copper cap.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 20

Warrior in zertsalo and helm. The Moscow Kremlin in the 17th century.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 21

Voivode in two armors and yerihonka. The old castle of Neilauzen in Livonia.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 22

Voivode in zertsalo, privoloka and yerihonka.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 23

Mounted zhiltsy in 1678.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 24

Streltsy in 1613. Church of St. Basil and the Kremlin wall in Moscow at the beginning of the 17th century.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 25

Streltsy of Lutokhin’s and Ivan Poltev’s Moscow Strelets Regiments in 1674.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 26

Russian horse harness in the 14th-18th centuries.

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 27

Medieval Russian clothing, photo 28

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