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Abandoned village of Uzhginskoye, Perm krai

Uzhginskoye village is located in Cherdynsky district of Perm krai. Like a lot of other villages of Russia it was abandoned. The village had favorable location at the crossroads, near the river and the reason why it was abandoned is unknown. The pictures were captured by Andrey Senyushkin (all the photos are clickable).

Perm krai, Russia abandoned village scenery 1


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Tough minibus of Ulyanovsk city



Kursk Magnetic Anomaly

Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (Kursk oblast) is the most massive in the world iron ore basin. There are deposits of about 200-210 billion tons, accounting for about 50% of iron ore reserves on the planet. The following pictures were captured at Mikhailovskoye deposit by Viktor Borisov (the photos are clickable).

Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, Russia view 1



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The night views of Vladivostok city

Vladivostok is one of the major centers of Russian Far East. In November 2012 the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit will take place there. The following pictures of the city were captured by Stepanov Slava (all the photos are clickable).

Vladivostok city, Russia night view 1





The sky views during space rockets launches

The people of Russia living near the space ships launching facilities usually enjoy the following nice sceneries. And here is more information about outer space travelling.

Russian space rocket launch view 1


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Pumping Iron in Russia

Closer to the nature :)

Pumping Iron in Russia

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One of the most interesting events of recent Kaliningrad city Christmas fair was the reconstruction of assault of ancient Russian fortress Izborsk happened in 1349. The photos were captured by Andrey Rumyantsev.

Izborsk fortress assault historical reconstruction view 1



Russian penitentiary system is far from being perfect and here is one example. The following colony for criminals located somewhere on the territory of Perm krai was abandoned recently, in 2005, but as you can see the conditions of living there are rather extreme. The pictures were taken by Alexander Belenkiy (all the photos are clickable).

Abandoned colony for criminals, Russia view 1


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Siberian tiger walking the highway

Russia is rich not only in bears. This video was captured on the highway from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk, near the town of Bikin (Khabarovsk krai). Attention! Russian offensive language.

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