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Educating Readers in the USSR in 1926-1929

Propaganda in the USSR was diverse and covered almost all spheres of life. For example, the following posters educated Soviet people how to properly handle books. Pictures by humus.

1926. Protect the book from rain and snow.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 1

1926. Return the book – others are waiting for it.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 2

1926. The book is not a pocket.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 3

1926. The book is not a kitchen accessory.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 4

1926. Do not cut out pages and drawings.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 5

1926. Do not bend the book and do not roll it up.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 6

1926. Do not read while eating.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 7

1926. Your inscriptions prevent others from reading the book.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 8

1929. How to cut the book. Not with a finger, not with a match, but with a knife.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 9

1929. Return in time the book you took in the library. Other readers are waiting for it.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 10

1929. Book wreckers. Underlining and inscriptions in library books are inadmissible.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 11

1929. Do not bend the book. Do not roll it up. The spine of the book breaks, the pages fall out, the book becomes swollen, shabby, and not readable.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 12

1929. It is unpleasant to take shabby, dirty books into your hands. Handle the book carefully. Do not make it dirty, wrap it in paper.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 13

1929. Use bookmarks. Do not bend pages and do not put anything into the book, to avoid damaging it.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 14

1929. Do you know how to turn the pages of the book correctly? Turn the pages carefully and do not slobber your fingers, so as not to crumple and dirty them.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 15

1929. Reader-vulture. You can not use this book because the reader-vulture pulled pages and drawings out of it.

Soviet propaganda - educating readers in 1926-1929, poster 16

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