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Archive for August 2024



Amazing Landscapes of Kamchatka

Kamchatka is a peninsula stretching from north to south for about 1,200 km in the northeast of Eurasia. From the west it is washed by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, from the east – by the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Kamchatka Krai, one of the federal subjects of Russia, is located on the territory of the peninsula.

Kamchatka is a land of contrasts, which looks completely different from Central Russia. This is the land of volcanoes and glaciers, hot springs and boiling geysers, fast-flowing rivers, lakes and waterfalls. There are 414 glaciers and 160 volcanoes, 29 of which are active. Kamchatka volcanoes are included in the UNESCO World Heritage. Photos by: Sergey Makurin.

Amazing Landscapes of Kamchatka, Russia, photo 1

beautiful natural scenery




Sarykum – the Largest Sand Dune in Europe

Sarykum or Sary-Kum (translated from the Kumyk language as “Yellow Sand”) is the largest sand dune in Europe, located in the central part of the Republic of Dagestan, about 18 km northwest of Makhachkala. It is one of the largest sand dunes in Eurasia, approximately 3 km long, 2 km wide and up to 262 meters high.

The dune is located in a protected area, part of the Dagestan Nature Reserve, created on January 9, 1987. In 1968, several scenes of the famous Soviet movie “White Sun of the Desert” were filmed here. The Sarykum Sand Dune on Google Maps. Photos by: Slava Stepanov.

Sarykum Sand Dune, Dagestan, Russia - the Largest Sand Dune in Europe, photo 1

unique natural monument

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