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Archive for February 2014



Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony

The opening ceremony of the 22nd Olympic Winter Games started at “Fisht” stadium located in the Olympic Park (Coastal Cluster) at 20:14 local time. Two hours later the Games were opened. Here are some photos from the opening ceremony. Photos by

Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony, photo 1

Sochi 2014 opening ceremony




The Beauty of Russian Winter

Winter in Russia is not always a disaster but a very beautiful time of the year.

Belogorsky St. Nicholas Monastery is located near Belaya Mountain (Ural Mountains), 120 kilometers from the city of Perm (temperature minus 25 degrees Celsius). Photo by Vladimir Chuprikov

The beauty of Russian winter

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Snow apocalypse in Rostov region

Heavy snowfall hit Rostov region on Tuesday, and it was snowing until Friday. January 30, a state of emergency was imposed in the region.

Transport networks and other infrastructure of the two largest towns in the region – Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog – were paralyzed. As a result, supply of food and other goods became irregular. Rostov-on-Don looks like “Rostov-on-Snow” at the moment.

Snow apocalypse in Rostov region, Russia, photo 1

The region buried under the snow

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