Angarsk city, Russia

The city of Irkutsk oblast.

Angarsk - Overview

Angarsk is a city located in the Irkutsk region of Russia, the administrative center of Angarsky district. The city, named after the Angara River, is situated in the southern, the most economically developed, part of the region, between the rivers Angara and Kitoy.

The population of Angarsk is about 220,000 (2022), the area - 294 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 3955, the postal codes - 665800-665841.

Angarsk city flag

Angarsk city flag

Angarsk city coat of arms

Angarsk city coat of arms

Angarsk city map, Russia

Angarsk city map of Russia

Brief History of Angarsk

In summer 1945, the area between the rivers Angara and Kitoy was chosen for the construction of the plant producing artificial liquid fuel. The equipment for the plant was brought on reparation from Germany. It was planned to build a settlement there too.

In October 1945, the first builders arrived there. In spring 1946, the construction of the settlement began. In April 1948, the construction of two-storeyed stone buildings started. In 1951, Angarsk became a town, in 1958, the population reached 134,000.

Nowadays, it is the third largest city in Irkutsk region, one of the best cities in terms of public services and utilities in Eastern Siberia.

Streets of Angarsk

Angarsk city view

Angarsk city view

Author: Dina Roumiantseva

Angarsk at night

Angarsk at night

Author: Yuta A.

The central square of Angarsk

The central square of Angarsk

Author: Maria Garth

Angarsk - Features

Angarsk is located about 5,200 km from Moscow, 46 km from the center of Irkutsk, 50 km from the airport “Irkutsk” and 117 km from Lake Baikal.

Trans-Siberian Railway and the federal highway M53 “Baikal” pass through the territory of Angarsky district. The city is an important node of pipeline transport.

Passenger buses and minibuses carry up to 85% of passengers.

Angarsk climate is continental with dry cold and long winter and short hot summer. The first frosts occur in mid-September, the last - at the end of May. The average monthly temperature in January is -22 degrees Celsius (absolute minimum -51), in July - +18 degrees C (+36,9).

Angarsk is in the list of Russian cities with the most adverse environmental conditions. In 2010, it held the third place in Siberia and the sixth place in Russia.

Industry of Angarsk

Angarsk is also known as the city of petrochemists; it is one of the largest industrial centers of Russia with powerful chemical and oil-chemical industries, machine-building, metal-working, light and food industries.

The main plants are: Angarsk oil-chemical company and Angarsk electrolysis-chemical plant (produces fluoric uranium).

The industrial area stretches 30 km along the Angara River.

Parks of Angarsk

Despite the relatively small size, the city has a number of parks.

Petrochemists’ Park is an integral part of the architectural ensemble of the central square of Angarsk. There is a fountain and children’s playground. This park is one of the most favorite places for walks and rest of the locals and visitors of the city.

The park of the 10th anniversary of Angarsk. The park located near Lenin Street has “The Alley of Love” with a sculpture “The Book of Wishes”, symbolic bridges to perform wedding ceremonies, and a fountain.

The park of the recreation center “Sovremennik.” Near the main entrance to the park area, you can find a fountain, children’s rides. In the park, there is a children’s playground, outdoor fitness equipment, a children’s road with markings, traffic signs, and a bridge.

Angarsk builders’ park in the block 87. The park has a memorial stele in honor of the builders of the city, and a fountain.

The park near the museum of Victory in the microdistrict 12a. The park has an Orthodox chapel, a memorial cross in memory of the soldiers killed in global hot spots.

Angarsk city of Russia photos

Pictures of Angarsk

Angarsk industry

Angarsk industry

Author: Sergey Bulanov

Angarsk Railway Station

Angarsk Railway Station

Author: Steve Simmonds

Holy Trinity Cathedral in Angarsk

Holy Trinity Cathedral in Angarsk

Author: Usachyov Maksim

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